Hi everyone, a little article to announce and present this blog, mine. I will use it mostly as a notepad. Put a lot of ideas, share content or stories. I going to try to write more as possible. Trust me, I am a busy men :).

About me, my name is Anthony Pradal, a French IT student passionated about new technologies, bigdata, cloud, innovation and Apple. (Haters, go back!).

Technically speaking

This blog is running under jekyll. And because I suck with design, I use a template created by Ben Centra available here. It is hosted by Github Page (I will do an article on it later). Trust me, GithubPage is life.

But even more, I use:

  • Markdown
  • My mind
  • and my main

You can contact me at hello@anthonypradal.com I will reply with pleasure.

See you soon

To finish, this is a goat.